Every few years, Rivergrove citizens gather to celebrate Arbor Day together. We last gathered in 2022 and look forward to next time!

Past Arbor Day Events

Saturday, April 30th, 2022 at 1 PM


Gather in Lloyd Minor Park • Plant Trees • Meet Neighbors
Activities for Children • Cookies • Coffee • Bottled Water

This will be followed on Sunday morning by an Amazing open Garden at the Tuttle Property, 5710 Childs Road, across from Benfield.
Look for a white house with red garden trellises.

With thanks to Oregon Community Trees for the splendid grant to help Rivergrove’s urban forest.


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Note: OSU changed the date and time of our Arbor Month Webinar. It's now April 20, 2021 from 2:00 to 3:30. Please contact the City Manager at manager@cityofrivergrove.com to obtain a registration link.

Also, we still have Giant Sequoia (Redwood) trees in Heritage Park if you or your family would like to plant and care for one. (Holes will be pre-dug!) To adopt a family tree, contact the City Manager at manager@cityofrivergrove.com.

Arbor Day 2018

Residents gathered in Heritage Park in celebration of Arbor Month 2018. Councilor Arne Nyberg planted an Oregon White Oak in the savanna and oversaw the planting of twelve pussy willow twigs. Several more native tree species, provided by the City, will be planted in Rivergrove yards.

Copies of the Rivergrove Reads book Bringing Nature Home:  How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants were distributed at the Little Free Libraries around town.

Residents gathered at the home of Councilor Brenda Ruble to watch the documentary Hometown Habitat: Stories of Bringing Nature Home, based on the Rivergrove Reads book Bringing Nature Home.

In honor of Arbor Day 2017, the City gave out free native tree seedlings to residents: bitter cherry, cascara, Oregon white oak, and western red cedar. See if you can spot them planted around the City.

Seth Menser, Land Stewardship Supervisor for Portland Parks, spoke at the Arbor Month Celebration and City Council Meeting on April 10, 2017. Menser gave a fascinating presentation about his work and travels as a horticulture supervisor .

Seth Menser, Land Stewardship Supervisor for Portland Parks, spoke at the Arbor Month Celebration and City Council Meeting on April 10, 2017. Menser gave a fascinating presentation about his work and travels as a horticulture supervisor .

Residents Gather in Heritage Park for the annual Arbor Month Celebration and to mark Rivergrove's second year as a Tree City USA.

Residents Gather in Heritage Park for the annual Arbor Month Celebration and to mark Rivergrove's second year as a Tree City USA.

City Arborist Brian French congratulates Mayor Heather Kibbey on receiving the distinction of a Tree City USA for the second year in a row.

City Arborist Brian French congratulates Mayor Heather Kibbey on receiving the distinction of a Tree City USA for the second year in a row.

Nathan and Elio Spaccarelli prepare to plant trees.

Nathan and Elio Spaccarelli prepare to plant trees.

A young resident helps to plant a cascara tree donated by the Kim family.

A young resident helps to plant a cascara tree donated by the Kim family.

Julie Dausman and her children help ward off invasive reed canary grass by planting pussywillow branches.

Julie Dausman and her children help ward off invasive reed canary grass by planting pussywillow branches.

Councilor Arne Nyberg hands a pussywillow branch to Lorenzo Spaccarelli.

Councilor Arne Nyberg hands a pussywillow branch to Lorenzo Spaccarelli.

Arbor Day 2017 Photography Contest Winners
the Spaccarelli Family 


Do you recognize these local beauties?