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City Council Meeting

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
Feb 12, 2024, 7:00 PM

Public Notice

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Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Priority Business

  1. Resignation of Mayor Jeff Williams.

  2. Mayor Selection

  3. Discussion of filling vacant Council Position.

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of January minutes

  3. City financials – January

Existing Business (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.)

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Restoration Project

  2. Boat Ramp Design update

  3. Land Development Ordinance Revision

    1. Propose to authorize the City Manager to enter a contract to allow the City Planner to write a text amendment to change completion determination. This new language if adopted would place the responsibility of deeming an application complete in the hands of the City of Rivergrove staff.

  4. Park Advisory Committee Formation – Review recommended application and park committee guidelines.

New Agenda Items

  1. Lloyd Minor Park – A pine shrub was cut in the Southwest corner of Lloyd Minor Park.

  2. Protocol for park maintenance in all parks

Council Reports:

  1. Councilor McLean

  2. Councilor Barhyte

  3. Councilor Tuttle

  4. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

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7:00 PM19:00

Planning Commission Meeting

Rivergrove Planning Commission Agenda
February 5, 2024 7:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 860 7551 4349
Passcode: 631431
Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call
Welcome Commissioners and Guests
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
Public Comment on Agenda Items


  1. Tree permit – Dead, Dying & Diseased in the WQRA.
    Property Address: 5548 Dogwood Dr


  2. A type III application determination for Development permit for foundation replacement & remodeling project
    Property Address: 6550 Childs Rd.

Executive Session: Commissioners and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Adjournment and Announcement of Next Meeting Time

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