Requirements and Applications
A permit is required to remove most trees within Rivergrove city limits; with the exception of Emergency permits, residents and/or arborists must obtain their permits before the tree is removed.
City tree ordinances also allow for one tree to be removed per calendar year, per single lot or parcel, without a permit, provided the property owner notifies the City Manager of the intent to cut the tree prior to the cutting. This notification must be made electronically (via form or email) or in writing. This exception does not apply to trees in the WQRA and/or Flood Hazard Area.
There are four types of removal permit requests.
Permit Types and Application Forms
Non-WQRA or Flood Hazard Area Tree Cutting Permit
This permit is for cutting any tree NOT in the WQRA or Flood Hazard Area. Applications will be reviewed at Planning Commission meetings (applicants are welcome to attend).WQRA or Flood Hazard Area Tree Cutting Permit
This permit is for cutting any tree that IS in the WQRA or Flood Hazard Area. Removals in these areas require Mitigation Plans and are subject to more environmental considerations than those outside these areas.
Applications will be reviewed at Planning Commission meetings (applicants are welcome to attend).Dead, Dying, or Dangerous Tree Cutting Permit
For trees that meet the documented criteria for being Dead, Dying or Dangerous, as defined in Ordinance No. 89-2018.
Once the permit is requested, the Planning Commission (with the City Arborist’s review and opinions) shall determine whether or not it agrees with the applicant’s assessment and whether or not to issue the permit.Emergency Tree Cutting Permit
For trees that must be removed urgently due to storm damage or other hazards.
If emergency conditions require prompt cutting or removal of dangerous trees to avoid immediate danger or hazard to persons or property, an emergency permit may be issued without a formal application, by contacting any of the three authorized officials. If none of the authorized officials can be reached, the tree may be removed without the permit, however an application must be filed within 7 days of cutting, and if that application is denied, the property owner is subject to applicable penalties.
The following officials are authorized to issue Emergency Tree Cutting permits:The Mayor
The President of the City Council
The Chair of the Planning Commission
More information on the WQRA and Flood Hazard Areas in Rivergrove can be found here.
Certain invasive or harmful tree species do not require a permit or notification for removal. See the Noxious & Undesirable Tree List for details.
Please contact if you need to submit a tree cutting permit or have any other questions about tree removal in the City of Rivergrove.
MITIGATION and replanting
If a tree is removed, replanting is encouraged, particularly in protected areas, and for certain removals, replanting may be required.
Recommended Trees
These specific native trees are recommended by our City Ordinances, based on recommendations from the Oregon State University Department of Horticulture.Alternative Options
These trees are not specifically recommended, but are approved for the purposes of mitigation when options from the Native Tree List aren’t suitable.These trees are specifically disallowed by City Ordinance No. 89-2018, as they are harmful or invasive. They may not be planted, and any existing trees on this list, if found within the city, may be removed without a permit.
Tree removal costs can be found in the current Fee Schedule, along with various other city fees.
As per Exhibit 1 in City Resolution No. 259-2018 and later amended by Resolution No. 300-2024, the following fees apply as of January of 2025 (in addition to the actual tree removal costs of course):
Outside the WQRA: $75 per tree
Inside the WQRA: $75 per tree
Dead, Dying or Dangerous: $75 per tree
Emergency Removal: No fee
This webpage is not the definitive source for these costs, as there are regular updates and improvements to our City codes.