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City Council Meeting

  • City of Rivergrove P.O. BOX 1104 Lake Oswego United States (map)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
Dec 11, 2023, 7:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 5416 5354 
Passcode: 609073
Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:
Standing Items: 

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your speech to 3 minutes

  2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s)

  3. Discussion and approval of city financials

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

  1. Update on 4810 Dogwood

Agenda Items

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Coronavirus Restoration Project

  2. Boat Ramp-incl Design update

New Business:

  1. Park Advisory Committee Formation

  2. Land Development Ordinance Revision

Council Reports:

  1. Council President Ruble (resigned?)

  2. Councilor McLean

  3. Councilor Barhyte

  4. Councilor Tuttle

  5. Mayor’s Report

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Earlier Event: December 4
Planning Commission Meeting
Later Event: December 13
Planning Commission Meeting