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City Council Meeting

  • City of Rivergrove 4910 Childs Rd Lake Oswego United States (map)

Rivergrove City Council Meeting Preliminary Agenda
April 10, 2023, 7:00 PM

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Meeting ID: 848 2266 4800
Passcode: 500180


  1. Request the public to let City Manager know if they wish to speak on an agenda item. 

  2. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

  3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s) 

  4. Approval of City financials


PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Representative from the Planning Commission

  • New Land Development Code

  • Action on docks at 19491 Lorna Lane, 4536 Dogwood



  1. Update on bids for the electronic gate at the boat ramp. 

  2. Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant, prioritizing suggested projects.-see attachment #1

  3. LO School District Bus Barn-Information only

  4. Goals

  5. Administrative Rules

    • An ordinance on how to run city meetings.

    • An ordinance on non-land use rules and procedures for implementation of them

    • An ordinance limiting a Mayor to a total of terms of six years with no more than two years consecutive

    • A Charter Amendment specifically for parks

  6. Metro Grant Funds – Discussion of possible use

  7. Consideration of a City Official to inspect properties for compliance with conditions of a development application.

  8. Update on Sycamore development.

  9. Audit of email distribution list versus homes in Rivergrove to ensure ALL residents are receiving communications from the City

  10. City Arborist contract


  1. Budget preparation & process (& volunteer solicitation)


  1. Council President Ruble

  2. Councilor McLean

  3. Councilor Barhyte

  4. Councilor Tuttle:
    Update on Ordinances, data from H Kibbey’s memory stick

  5. Mayor: Mayor’s Report


PENDING ITEMS (to be discussed at a later date but kept on the agenda while Council deals with higher priority items first.)

  1. Status of Contracting out City Development Code Inspection Services: Lead Individual: Mayor J Williams
    City must have new Development Code to proceed.

  2. Discussion Regarding How Sewer might be Brought to Unserved Properties, Exploring the Issues. Lead Individual: Councilor Tuttle

EXECUTIVE SESSION (Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)-not held


Attachment #1
Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant

 Note: This a preliminary list for discussion purpose

  $82,000 Total Coronavirus funds available… Primarily Park and Boat Ramp 

 Suggested projects not yet cost estimated 

  1. Repair Boat Ramp

  2. Survey Boat Ramp Property

  3. ADA ramp of path between Dogwood Ct and SW Lorna Lane

  4. Lloyd Minor Park Refresh (turf, sprinklers and general cleanup)

  5. Digitize storage unit files

  6. $6,000 –– Signage for all City Signs – 5 total (3 City Entrance and 2 Parks) 

  7. $8,000 –– Riparian Restoration Plan for Boat Ramp - Removal of Ivy, Last tree on East Side of Boat Ramp and Replant Bushes on both sides and Hedge on East side (much better in event of flood than a solid wood fence) 

  8. $8,000 –– Repair end of boat ramp – either with new planks as is, or single plank 

  9. $35,000 –– Park field repair, sprinkler system upgrades, Landscaping across berm 

  10. $25,000 –– Electric Gate at Boat Ramp 

Earlier Event: April 6
Planning Commission Meeting
Later Event: April 13
City Council Special Meeting