Rivergrove City Council Special Meeting
April 13, 2023, 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 7729 9095
Passcode: 005041on
The purpose of this special meeting is to announce the preparation budget process and solicit budget committee volunteers; and to prioritize/finalize suggested projects for the Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant.
Call to Order/Roll Call
Budget preparation & process (& volunteer solicitation)
Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant
$82,000 Total Coronavirus funds available… Primarily Park and Boat Ramp
Suggested projects not yet cost estimated
Repair Boat Ramp
Survey Boat Ramp Property
ADA ramp of path between Dogwood Ct and SW Lorna Lane
Lloyd Minor Park Refresh (turf, sprinklers and general cleanup)
Digitize storage unit files
$6,000 –– Signage for all City Signs – 5 total (3 City Entrance and 2 Parks)
$8,000 –– Riparian Restoration Plan for Boat Ramp - Removal of Ivy, Last tree on East Side of Boat Ramp and Replant Bushes on both sides and Hedge on East side (much better in event of flood than a solid wood fence)
$8,000 –– Repair end of boat ramp – either with new planks as is, or single plank
$35,000 –– Park field repair, sprinkler system upgrades, Landscaping across berm$1680 -- Boat ramp survey
$25,000 –– Electric Gate at Boat Ramp