Rivergrove Land Development and Municipal Ordinances:
Continue work on the revision of land use ordinances, starting with the consolidation of our existing ordinances, correcting errors, and the addition of new ordinances and the comprehensive plan. Special consideration to be given to updating the flood plain ordinance to comply with current and/or proposed FEMA requirements.
Councilor Bill Tuttle is in charge of the code revision.
Transportation & Road Issues:
Address the City’s specific design and safety plans for the roads within its city limits. Continue to work toward safer routes to and from River Grove School where appropriate.
Councilor Susie Lahsene will be in charge of this, Councilor Barhyte may assist.
Emergency Preparedness:
Collaborate with Clackamas Department of Disaster Management to update our emergency preparedness plan. Convey the importance of Emergency Preparedness to citizens by making it a focus of the yearly City celebration.
Mayor Walt Williams will oversee this goal with Planning Commission Chair Flores as the lead.
Park Development:
Continue to develop short-term and long-term park plans for both Lloyd Minor and Heritage City Parks.
Councilor Dave Pierce oversees Park Development.
Rivergrove Giving Program:
Research done in the science of generosity shows that there is a positive feedback loop between happiness and giving. Happy people give more and giving increases happiness. Therefore, the focus of the giving committee will be two-fold:
Councilor Barhyte is in charge of the Giving Program. Former Councilor Brenda Ruble may be involved.
History & Archives:
Develop an action plan to record the City of Rivergrove’s history. Interview original citizens, record testimony, archive photos.
City Councilor Barhyte will oversee the Historic research committee.
Explore Creative Visions for a Better Rivergrove:
Create a city environment that thrives on unity and an understanding of one another through improved communication & personal interactions creating interconnected relationships which lead to a win/win.
Councilor Barhyte will be in charge of this item. The City Manager/City Recorder and City Councilors will organize a City celebration.
Public Service:
Continue to improve information and outreach to the community and to explore ways to increase citizen involvement.
Councilor Barhyte is in charge of public service.
Tree Preservation and Enhancement:
Work with City Planner, City Arborist, and the Mayor to educate the Planning Commission and City Council on the permits and application requirements of the new city Tree Ordinance. Help the City Manager develop application forms for the new City Tree Ordinance Permits. Plan an Arbor Day celebration.
Councilor Dave Pierce oversees Tree Preservation and Enhancements.