City Land Use Planner

Group: City of Rivergrove

Location: Work at own location for City of Rivergrove

Salary Range: TBD

Deadline Information: Hope to fill the job as soon as possible.

Deadline Date: 07/10/2021

Posted Date: 06/11/2021

Website: http://www.cityofrivergrove.org

Contact Information for Applicants
City Manager Heather Kibbey
503-707-2906 or message line: 503-639-6919

A Land Use Development Planner for the City of Rivergrove, the smallest city in Metro Portland, (pop.510) contiguous to Lake Oswego. The planner would be expected to attend one Planning Commission meeting per month, occasional special meetings, if needed, prepare staff reports and NODs. The City has its own ordinances, but is in the process of transitioning into the Small Cities Model Code, if approved and adopted. The new code is written and beginning public hearings.
Our meetings at the moment are held by ZOOM but may, at some time, be held live nearby. Rivergrove has no city hall, so the planner will work at his/her/their own location.