Rivergrove Report - September 2018

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Planning Commission and City Council Topics

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The City of Rivergrove will hold a Type IV public hearing to consider Ordinance 93-2018 (City File #2018-01) regulating Tree Cutting which will repeal and replace Ordinance 74-2004 which amended Ordinance 54-89, Attachment C, the Rivergrove Land Development Ordinances, section 5.100 Tree Cutting. The hearing will be held by the Rivergrove Planning Commission on Monday, September 10, 2018 at 7:00pm in the River Grove Elementary School library, 5850 McEwan Road, Lake Oswego. The amendment criteria and procedures followed will be pursuant to the Rivergrove Comprehensive Plan, the Rivergrove Land Development Code sections 4.120 and 6.225-6.230 and the Portland Metro amendment provisions. Local file #2018-01 has been submitted to the State Department of Conservation and Land Development. The proposed Ordinance 93-2016 can be downloaded from the Rivergrove website at https://www.cityofrivergrove.org/proposed-tree-ordinance-2018. The City Staff Report will be available on September 4, 2018. For additional information concerning the proposed ordinance, you may call the city staff at 503.639.6919 or manager@cityofrivergrove.com.


At the August 13, 2018 City Council meeting, Council continued the Type IV Hearing regarding amendments to Ordinance #80-2011, which regulates the park and boat ramp hours. The hearing will be continued to a special meeting on August 27, 2018 in Lloyd Minor Park (at Dogwood between Marlin and Tualamere). The public comment period remains open until August 20, 2018. Written comments may be submitted by mailing to Leanne Moll, City Manager/Recorder, City of Rivergrove P.O. Box 1104, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 or emailing manager@cityofrivergrove.com no later than August 20, 2018.  Ordinance 80-2011 may be viewed at https://www.cityofrivergrove.org/parkhoursriveraccess/


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hearing will be held by the Rivergrove City Council at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 8, 2018, at River Grove Elementary School library.  The purpose of the hearing is for City Council to consider an 

appeal by the applicant of the July 2, 2018 decision of the Rivergrove Planning Commission denying an application for Hardship Relief to construct a duplex at 19232 Pilkington Road. At the applicant's request, the hearing was continued to October 8, 2018.

The notice of appeal identifies the following issues: (1) ORS 227.180(3) – ex parte contacts; (2) RLDO 8.090 – ex parte contacts; (3) Bias; (4) RLDO 8.070(d) – disqualification; and (5) RLDO 6.060(b) – Hardship Relief.

The appellant has not requested de novo review; pursuant to RLDO Section 8.190, the scope of the hearing shall be restricted to the record of the proceeding before the Planning Commission and no new evidence will be allowed.  Oral and written argument in favor of or in opposition to the request will be received during the hearing in accordance with RLDO Section 8.190 (c). Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing by emailing manager@cityofrivergrove.com or mailing to Leanne Moll, City Manager/Recorder, City of Rivergrove P.O. Box 1104, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.

Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter precludes appeal.  In raising an issue, the relevant criteria of which the issue is directed must be specified.  Failure to do so will preclude appeal on the criterion. 

Copies of the appeal and related documents can be obtained at cost and are available for review by contacting the City Manager/City Recorder at 503-639-6919 or via e-mail at manager@cityofrivergrove.com.  Electronic copies are free of charge. Any questions regarding the appeal should be addressed to the City Manager/City Recorder at 503-639-6919 or via e-mail at manager@cityofrivergrove.com. The file will be available for inspection prior to the hearing (contact the City to see the report or obtain a copy provided at cost).

The City Council will review the appeal and make a decision according to RLDO Section 8.210. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard.


At the Monday, September 17, 2018 City Council meeting, Council will consider proposed legislative amendments to the Rivergrove Comprehensive Plan Introduction, Goal #10 Housing and Goal #12 Transportation, continued from February 12, 2018. (Local file number 2016-05).  The Amendments stipulate changes to the annexation policy and a text correction in the Transportation goal. The public record, previously closed on January 29, 2018, was reopened and will remain open until the September 17, 2018 City Council meeting. The proposed amendments (Local file number 2016-05) can be downloaded from the Rivergrove website https://www.cityofrivergrove.org/proposed-ordinance-90-2016/. Copies of the amendments and the city staff report can also be obtained for a nominal fee by contacting the office staff at 503.639.6919, emailing manager@cityofrivergrove.com or writing to City of Rivergrove, P.O. Box 1104, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. A copy can be viewed by appointment only at Rivergrove City Hall, 4924 Childs Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Contact city staff to make an appointment. For additional information concerning the proposed amendments you may contact the city staff at 503.639.6919 or manager@cityofrivergrove.com.


The play structure at Lloyd Minor Park needs a thorough cleaning. Do you have a power or pressure washer and would you be willing to spend a few hours removing moss and dirt from the structure? Please contact City Manager Leanne Moll at manager@cityofrivergrove.com for more details.


The City of Rivergrove appreciates your responses to the survey regarding short-term rentals. City Council rescheduled the discussion of short-term rentals to the Monday, September 17 meeting. The survey is now closed, but you may still submit written public comment by emailing the City Manager at manager@cityofrivergrove.com.


As the young residents in our community return to school, please practice extra caution on Rivergrove’s roads and watch out for children walking and biking to school and waiting for the school bus. 

  • Don't block crosswalks and stop for people showing intent to cross the street at a marked or unmarked crosswalk. Under Oregon law (OR 811.028) every intersection is a legal crosswalk.

  • Take extra care in school zones and drivd 20 MPH or slower.

  • Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.

  • Never pass a bus loading or unloading children.

  • The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them to safely enter and exit the bus.

a message from tvf&R: Talk to Your Kids About Fire and Life Safety

It’s that time again — when students head back to class. And for many students, this may be the school year where they will be trusted to be home alone after school.

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue encourages parents and caregivers to review fire and life safety tips with them.

Talk to your kids about how and when to call 911 for police, fire, or medical assistance in the event of an emergency. Children should know their address, phone number, and your contact information so that they can provide that information to the emergency dispatcher.

It’s also a good idea to have phone numbers for family and neighbors posted on the refrigerator, near the phone, or on a designated bulletin board in the event kids need assistance but it’s not an emergency.

This is also a good time to set house rules on using the stove or microwave. Cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires. Most of the fires start on the stovetop due to food or oil being left unattended while being heated. The following tips may help your child avoid a fire:

  • Allow cooking privileges based on age and maturity. Consider allowing younger children to only use a microwave or oven to heat food (versus the stovetop). However, use caution when heating food in a microwave due to the potential for burn injuries.

  • If allowed to use the stovetop, never leave food (especially oil) unattended even for a moment! Pre-teens and teenagers enjoy many activities that can cause them to be distracted and/or forget they’re cooking. Remind children to stay by the stovetop when cooking. If they need to leave — turn off the burner.

  • Keep combustibles such as pot holders, dish towels, food boxes, and magazines away from the stovetop.

  • Water and oil do not mix! Never throw water on a grease fire or try to move the flaming pan. Either action can cause the fire to spread or cause burns to a body.

  • If a fire occurs, leave the home and call 911 from a cellphone or a neighbor’s home.

For additional fire and life safety information, visit www.tvfr.com.


  • City Council continued to August 27, 2018 the Type IV Hearing to decide whether or not to amend Ordinance #80-2011, which regulates park and river access. Council left the public record open for seven days and public comment will be accepted until August 20, 2018.

Mayor's Message

One of the advantages of living in a city as small as Rivergrove—500 residents and counting—is the welcoming sense of community. It makes our city get-togethers more like family picnics! On Sunday, September 9th, I hope you’ll join your neighbors for an Ice Cream Social at 2—4 PM in Lloyd Minor Park (Dogwood, between Marlin and Tualamere Avenues).

We’re planning a fun get-together on a sunny day in the park, complete with a variety of ice creams and toppings. Please bring chairs for your family. (We’ll have some chairs available, but not enough for all.) Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue fire engine will have an engine available and Clackamas County Emergency Preparedness will provide a booth and information on how to be ready for an emergency. There will be activities for children and lots of good conversation.

I hope to see you there.

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