Rivergrove Report - February 2020

Rivergrove Report - February 2020
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February 2020 Rivergrove Report

Friday, January 24th, 2020

City Manager John Leuthauser will be out of the office from January 24th through February 4th while he recovers from surgery. 

In this month's Rivergrove Report:

  • Construction of the new community fire station nears completion
  • City Council has authorized a revision of the Rivergrove Land Development Ordinance
  • A volunteer planning commissioner is needed; there's also a volunteer opportunity with the City Budget Committee
  • The City has contracted Bartlett Tree Experts to be our new City Arborist and Marisa Varner to be our new City Website Manager
  • TVFR shares tips for heart health
  • February Planning Commission Meeting rescheduled for January 27th

New Fire Station Completion

You may have noticed the construction fencing around our new community fire station, TVFR Station 39, has been removed and the building is looking very completed.  Captain Peter Godon has told us they are now completing construction punch list items for the station with the contractor. They expect a final inspection the week of January 20th and hope to have occupancy before the end of the month.  After that, they will begin the process of moving in and getting all systems operational.  This new station will be a great addition to the community and we know the residents of Rivergrove will surely enjoy having these first responder professionals nearby.

TVFR has graciously agreed to allow us to use their Training/Community Room at the new station for our City Council and Planning Commission meetings.  We expect that to begin sometime in February or March. Stay tuned and be sure to watch closely for the location of upcoming meetings. You will be pleased to know that chairs and tables there are ADULT sized and we no longer will need to endure the kiddie chairs and tables of Rivergrove Elementary School Library.  Also, we will no longer need to hold our summer meeting at Lloyd Minor Park. 

Rivergrove Land Use Ordinance (RLDO)

At the suggestion of the City Attorney and the City Planner, and having received complaints about difficulties with the Rivergrove Land Development Ordinance (RLDO), the City Council authorized a revision.  Our City Planner is putting the existing code into the template used by many Oregon cities and updating it to comply with applicable state and federal rules as well as to address items that have been issues in the past for both the Planning Commission and the City Council.  The City Planner intends to have a meeting with the public to provide information about the process. Once we have a date set for the scheduled meeting it will be posted on the city’s website and in the Rivergrove report. We are excited about these changes and hope Rivergrove residents will find the new ordinances much easier to follow.

Community Theft Alert - Lock up/Pick up

During the holidays two kayaks were stolen off of a dock and more recently a trailer was taken from an adjacent neighborhood. Take a minute to look around and see if there’s anything you’ve left lying out that needs to either be put away or locked up. It’s important for us to check our property regularly to make sure we aren’t issuing an open invitation to thieves to visit our neighborhood habitually.  As you may recall, earlier last year we were also experiencing a rash of thefts from garages or outbuildings that were left open.  Remember it is wise to immediately close up your garage or sheds after you have accessed them. 

Planning commissioner needed

In some ways, we are lucky to live in a city without a tax base as it allows us to create a strong, tight-knit community through our own volunteer work. We currently have a volunteer opportunity for someone interested in helping to oversee the future growth and development of our community. No particular skills are needed. If you are interested in serving as a planning commissioner for the city of Rivergrove please contact Brenda Ruble 503-502-0000 to find out more about the position. Meetings are generally held on the first Monday of each month. 

City Budget Committee Volunteer Needed    

The City begins the year with developing the City’s Budget for 2020. We have a group of seasoned citizen volunteers for this work, but could always use an extra set of eyes and ears for this yearly obligation. No budget training is necessary and our team will be happy to guide you through the deliberations and process. If you have interest in this sort of work, please contact Brenda Ruble at brenruble@aol.com or Dave Pierce at RivergroveCouncilorDave@gmail.com

New City Arborist Being Hired

The City is in the process completing contracting for a new City Arborist.  The City has chosen Bartlett Tree Experts in Clackamas to be our new City Arborist.  Bartlett serves the entire Portland metro area with arboricultural services and consultation.  They are experts in diagnosing and treating tree problems specific to the Portland area. They bring to us a staff of International Society of Arboriculture certified members and the wealth of knowledge of the entire Bartlett company in the Pacific Northwest, and nationally.  With access to Bartlett’s global resources and advanced scientific research facility, they can provide us with benefits that simply aren’t available from other Portland tree services.

As requested or required by the City, their duties will include:
  • Preparation and presentation of staff reports and professional findings on various arboriculture issues for the Planning Commission and the City Council
  • Evaluation of environmental information and recommended mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts of development or tree removals
  • Conduct pre-application conferences with potential applicants on tree matters
  • Attend meetings, make presentations, provide technical information and advice, perform follow-up and research
  • Evaluation and submittal of reports on trees within the City
  • Participate in consultations concerning the City’s urban forest and individual tree services
  • Give professional recommendations to the City concerning the interpretation of its tree ordinance
  • Respond to inquiries from the general public regarding tree issues, upon the City's request
  • Providing community education programs regarding trees

City Website

The City welcomes Marisa Varner as our newly hired City Website manager!  We have contracted with her to assist with keeping our City Website in order and up to date with the City Council and City Planning Commission, agendas minutes, and announcements.  She will also assist with preparation and online distribution of the Rivergrove Report Newsletter. Marisa brings to us highly organized and creative skills. She has received high acclaim for her recent work on many local websites, and we were very impressed with her work.  We look forward to her talented contributions to our Rivergrove community. 

City Council and Planning Commission Meetings

The City endeavors to provide Rivergrove citizens with notice of our meetings through various means, mostly through the City Website and the Rivergrove Report newsletter.  For a variety of reasons, the past year we have had difficulties doing this. However, with our new City Website manger, we’re expecting more timely information for you. Please check the City’s website and the online Rivergrove Report for the latest meeting dates as well as copies of the meeting agendas and minutes.  We are striving to get those updated as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience. 

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue: Heart Month 2020

You can be a vital link in the chain of survival for cardiac patients

As part of Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue’s commitment to create safer communities, our team continues to work with community partners to strengthen the chain of survival for cardiac patients.

TVF&R remains dedicated in its efforts to work with community groups to teach hands-only CPR, encourage law enforcement partners to respond to cardiac emergencies equipped with automated external defibrillators, and invite community members willing to perform CPR to download TVF&R’s free PulsePoint smartphone app so that they can be alerted when someone is in need of this lifesaving assistance.

We believe that the strength of an entire community fighting side by side will ultimately prove to be more powerful than the nation’s No. 1 killer — heart disease.

Now is the time to learn about your risks for heart disease and stay “heart healthy” for yourself and your loved ones.

During American Heart Month, TVF&R invites you to join us in raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and the importance of immediately calling 911 in the event you or someone nearby experiences symptoms.

Unlike a sudden cardiac arrest that strikes suddenly and includes a loss of consciousness, a heart attack can develop slow enough that you are not aware you are having a medical emergency. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is severely reduced or cut off completely.

Symptoms typically include:
  • Chest discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and returns. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.   
  • Upper body discomfort, such as pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.   
  • Shortness of breath before, during, or after other discomforts.   
  • Other signs, including breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.       
The most common heart attack symptom for women and men is chest pain or discomfort. However, women are more likely to experience other symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, back or jaw pain, pressure in the lower chest or upper abdomen, dizziness, fainting, or extreme fatigue.
The heart is a muscle. It can deteriorate with each passing minute you delay medical treatment. Don’t ignore your symptoms, and don’t drive yourself to the hospital.

Firefighters often hear heart attack patients say, “I wasn’t sure it was a heart attack,” or “I didn’t want to bother anyone.”

Remember, TVF&R crews are here for you. Our highly trained firefighter paramedics can diagnose a heart attack and start treatment right away. Crews can also relay your EKG information to the hospital, enabling its staff to activate special heart teams and prepare for your arrival.

A heart attack can cause sudden cardiac arrest, when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. Sudden cardiac arrest leads to death when the heart stops working properly. This can be reversed if CPR is performed and a defibrillator is used to shock the heart and restore a normal heart rhythm.

Studies show that CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest patient’s chance of survival, but only 46 percent of those who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital get bystander help, according to the American Heart Association. 

Every minute CPR is delayed, the chance of survival decreases by 10 percent. Your assistance in performing hands-only CPR until crews arrive can make a difference. Hands-only CPR has just two easy steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the disco song “Stayin’ Alive.” 

For more information about PulsePoint, symptoms of cardiac emergencies, and CPR training, visit www.tvfr.com. Thank you for your willingness to team up with our crews to save more lives.


To be a sponsor, contact the City Manager: manager@cityofrivergrove.com




City Manager Cell: 503-318-2726



John Leuthauser, City Manager / City Recorder

Mayor Walt Williams

Councilor Brenda Ruble as Council President 

Councilor Bill Tuttle

Councilor David Pierce

Councilor Jeff Williams



7:00 PM Monday,
January 27th, 2020
Rivergrove Elementary School

7:00 PM Monday,
February 10th, 2020
Rivergrove Elementary School

John Leuthauser

PO Box 1104
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Mayor Walt Williams
Council President Brenda Ruble
Councilor David J. Pierce
Councilor Bill Tuttle
Councilor Jeff Williams

Chair Jonathan Sweet
Vice Chair Kellen Russell
Commissioner Steve Finley
Commissioner Jacob McKay

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